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Hello, and thank you for visiting our site! Insert Here is a small two-person operation owned by myself, Rob, and my wife Erica Searing. We operate out of our small home in Olathe, KS and have been in business since 2014.

I got into the board gaming industry in about 2008 as a means of bonding with my children (I have 8). This developed into a relationship with Tom Vasel and the Dice Tower. I became Tom's webmaster and that grew into becoming his advertising manager as well as manager of Dice Tower News (www.dicetowernews.com).

Over time I've struggled, as many have, with coming up with ways of storing the vast amount of board game components provided in modern board games. Additionally, I like to sleeve my cards. I found that many publishers would put out some really fancy and nice inserts, but many of them wouldn't account for sleeved cards. Additionally, many games have expansions that are released. I try to do my best to fit these expansions all into one box and, when not possible, will use one box for storing many of the components that don't require fancy storage (ie boards and manuals) and the other to accommodate the insert.

I began by posting pics over at BGG for designs I had come up with. I had numerous people telling me that I should try selling them. I never, in a million years, figured people would buy things that I had made but, after much insistence from fans, I built my own web store and displayed only those I had created for myself.

Well, it's been nearly two years now and the support I've received from the board game industry (from reviewers, to publishers, to my loyal customers) has been extremely humbling. As I've been able to afford better tools as well as refine my process, I have been able to lower prices. All of my inserts come assembled and are light-weight.

I would not be able to be as successful as I am without the love and support of my wife and children. My wife does an excellent job at helping cut out the insert pieces for me. My job is assembling and coming up with new designs. I would like to thank all of my customers for their faith, support, and kind words - for their business. To those thinking about purchasing one of our products, please peruse the site, the reviews and testimonials. Should you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to fill out the contact form of the site or email me directly at robertsearing@hotmail.com. I have Twitter and Facebook links on the site for all those that want to keep up with what's being done here at Insert Here. Thank you for visiting our site.